Saturday, October 4, 2014

Still at Green Turtle Bay

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cold and not much new.

We woke to temps in the low 40s.  We worked on the blog. Kathy writes the first draft, Tim adds his view of our adventure.  Then we import the information into our blog website.  Takes a while, for sure!  There has to be an easier way!

Tim bought more charts to guide us down the Tennessee River (his version of a spa experience). Kathy tucked in to go to bed (having one’s hair done is so stressful).  About an hour later, Tim nudges Kathy gently, and says that all that we had published on the website had issues.  Captions for picture had symbols, the type face was inconsistent.  So we went to fix it all.  A late night for the crew of Sea Fever. 

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