Thursday, October 16, 2014

Catch Up on Blog is coming!

Thursday, 10/16-2014

Well folks, it has been an interesting few weeks.  And we are determined to catch up on our blog writing this weekend.  We have been at a Looper's Rendezvous which is, basically a convention for those who have, are, or are planning to do this trip and more.  It has been an interesting but tiring week, with nothing but get up early, drive to the rendezvous, learn bunches of stuff, eat a lot, talk to "old new friends", make new friends, and head back to the boat late.

We plan to stay put until Monday, as we have some boat repair work to do and the boat definatly needs a wash up, clean up.  And we actually have Verizon service here.  So check in a day or two, and we will have some colorful stories to report.

Thanks for reading.

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