Friday, October 24, 2014

Boat Fixup Day 10-24

Friday, October 24

Aberdeen Marina, MS
We spent the day in clean-up fix-up mode.   
In addition to Brisa’s smoking issue, Sea Fever’s fuel-leak problems returned, but much smaller and in a different spot. Both the crew of Brisa and Sea Fever agreed that it was time to stay the extra day, and deal with what ailed the boats.
The previous day Jeff and Tim perused Brisa’s engine and determined that white smoke (water vapor) is better than black smoke (oil). It wasn’t much of a mechanical insight, did little to identify the issue, and did absolutely nothing to resolve it.

So, Jeff called in a diesel mechanic who arrived early Friday morning. When Jeff turned on the engine, the smoke no longer spewed forth (Apparently yesterday’s mechanical insight was more powerful than it first appeared). 

The mechanic found a few more reasonable possibilities like loose fittings and made repairs.  Jeff ran the diesel for some time at varying speeds just to be sure things were working. All was well.
Tim tightened some fittings on Sea Fever’s fuel system and ran the engine. No leaks appeared. He was more reluctant to declare victory, however, since no leaks were apparent last time he fixed the fuel system only three days ago. He did take some small comfort that at least the leaks were getting smaller.

Our mechanical chores complete, we spent the rest of the day catching up on the blog and straightening out the cabin.
We had another chicken for dinner and then headed off to bed off to rest up for an early departure.

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