Tuesday, December 16, 2014

On to Carrabelle, next stop to the gulf 12-16-2014

December 16th, Tuesday

We woke to a beautiful sunrise.  It had been the first night in months that we hadn’t needed to turn on heat either propane or electric, for the cabin.  As an extra bonus, we discovered that our coffee and tea stayed warm in the cup for more than 30 seconds!
Out on the hook, we do still make coffee in our electric coffee maker, we just go about it a little differently.  A few years back, Kathy had the bright idea to turn our electric pot into a drip pot using water boiled on the stove for when anchoring out. We tried to make coffee in a French Press, but the press was very messy to clean with limited water supplies!  And Tim had to have his coffee.  A morning without Tim having his coffee is a bad morning for Kathy, indeed!

We left the Oxbow anchorage at 6:30 and headed back out to the ICWW

There was a slight mist as we left the channel and it was beautiful.
Leaving the channel.  How beautiful is that!
As we moved into the lake portion, we were impressed with how much it looked like northern Minnesota.  Oh, well, except for the Cypress trees and the Spanish moss.
We got to Carrabelle, fueled and pumped out and were in our slip by 3:00 PM.  Took a walk around of the marina, and then came back to have dinner and hunker down.
And sleep.

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