Monday, December 8, 2014

Leaving Turner's and Mobile at last!!! 12-8-2014

December 8th, 2014
After three long weeks, we got the boat ready to make our way toward Florida.  Tearful goodbyes were said to our friends remaining at Turner's Marina, all of whom will be departing soon to spend Christmas with family and friends. The tearful part was, of course, sentimental Kathy. As we have mentioned, fast friendships are made at these marinas.  Stories are told and expertise is shared.  And then, everyone leaves, hoping to meet again down the line.

We left Turner’s Marina at 7:30 AM, crossed Mobile bay in choppy water, to head for our anchorage At Ingram's Bayou, AL.  Kathy went down below to make some oatmeal.  Too turbulent to deal with boiling hot water.  And Kathy, for the first time in lo these many months, felt queasy down below.  As Tim explains it, your brain and eyes see that things are stable, but your inner ear screams "NO NO NO it is NOT".  Once in the cockpit I was fine, and we settled for peanut butter sandwiches.
Also, for the first time since we left Minnesota, we hoisted our jib and became a motor sailor.  It was great to see those tanbark sails again!

Jib sail hoisted in Mobile Bay
First time since September 7, 2014
We passed by the evidence of our fuel driven economy.  Here is a picture of an oil rig fueling station in Mobile bay.
Oil Rig on Mobile Bay...kind of scary, boys and girls.
At 11:50 AM, we entered the GIWW (the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway).  Onward to Florida!

The waters finally quieted down.  We had been told to be on the lookout for dolphins, and Tim from his vantage point had seen several.  Kathy finally saw her first dolphin at about 3:45.  Try as we would to get pictures, they are way too fast for either the photographer or our camera.  We guess we will just have to keep those pictures in our minds!
At 4:47 PM we made our anchorage in Ingram’s Bayou, just minutes before sunset.

It is a really pretty anchorage, and so quiet.

Quiet waters and another boat in Ingram's Bayou, AL
 We slept well and dreamed of getting to Florida..


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