Sunday, December 14, 2014

Good Weather News, 12-14-2014

December 14th, Sunday, Good Weather News

Today, the temperature reached a high of 60, and tomorrow, Monday, promises a high of 65 with sunny skies.
Even more promising, was the unexpected report that the Gulf of Mexico was to be calm toward the end of the week. Previous reports indicated that the best time to cross the gulf from Carrabelle to Clearwater Beach on the western coast of Florida was to be today and tomorrow, and then the weather would kick up the waves and the potential for storms. It appeared the hope for another crossing opportunity could be a week, maybe more, away. So the news that we may be able to cross at the end of this week is very welcome, and surprising, and means we may be able to make Christmas Eve dinner with our friends in Bradenton.
With the temperatures in the 60s, we could would make the trip to Carrabelle without freezing! 
So we swung into action, did a final load of laundry, did some quick stocking up at Publix, our now favorite grocery, and returned the car by 4:30.  We planned to leave early on Monday morning.  Our goal was to anchor out Monday night, dock at the Moorings of Carrabelle Tuesday night and Wednesday.  And prepare for the gulf crossing on Thursday morning.
Out of all of Kathy’s fears, crossing the gulf was the big one.  In our boat, the crossing would take 30 some hours of straight motoring. Best to take advantage of the fair weather forecasts and get it over with.

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