Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trying for Columbus 10-25

Saturday, October 25

We headed out early this morning on our way to Columbus, MS. 

View of the channel
As we slowly wound our way back through the buoys toward the Aberdeen Lock, a shrill warning buzzer sounded. Brisa’s motor had stopped. Jeff switched to another fuel filter and the motor restarted and sounded good.  Then the shrill buzzer sounded again. The engine had failed a second time.  Brisa was dead in the water. 

So, Sea Fever got out an extra line and prepared to tow Brisa back to Aberdeen Marina. We got back to the marina, waving hello to the folks we had just waved goodbye to. 

Brisa being towed back to Columbus
With both boats tied securely to the wall once more, Jeff and Tim got busy staring at the motor.
Once again they had insight into a solution to the day’s engine mystery. They decided to bleed the engine’s fuel system of any air that might have gotten in there and stopped the fuel flow. This brilliant action plan was developed because it was something easy to do, they knew how to do it and they had no other ideas.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later, in a triumph of dumb luck over skill and expertise, Brisa’s engine fired into action after having spewed considerable air from her fuel system. The boys had triumphed over adversity. They then spent about an hour sitting in Brisa’s cockpit gloating, as her engine purred away.
While all the above was taking place Elizabeth, Daniel and Kathy held boat tours. Elizabeth and Daniel toured Sea Fever, and Kathy toured Brisa. It seems that a boater pastime is to look at other boats.

A clean Sea Fever in Aberdeen Marina

By now it was too late to leave for Aberdeen so it was more fried chicken, naps, and laundry. Tim even got ambitious and washed down Sea Fever for the first time since we left Lake City. She looks MUCH better now.
Hopefully will set out for Columbus on Sunday…the fried chicken is getting tedious.  


  1. Sea Fever is looking mighty spiffy - I sometimes forget exactly how pretty she is!

  2. Hi there you guys! We got to Mobile yesterday and are glad to be here. Will be staying put for at least a week so let us know when you are getting down this way. It has been quite the journey and we are looking forward to reconnecting with you. Safe travels!!!
