Friday, November 14, 2014

Freezing 11-13 thro 11-14 2014

November 13 and 14, Thursday and Friday.

We made an easy get away, and headed for our next anchorage.  It was very cold and raining.  Kathy locker dove for the foul weather pants, and we set off, hoping to make mile number 12.2 by sunset. 

We both are getting weary of the rivers, and long to see Florida’s sunny beaches and feel the sunshine on our faces.
We made the Tensaw river cutoff at mile 12.2.  Tim was so cold that he was losing the feeling in his hands and feet. It was not only the temperature, and the rain, but the wind was fierce and whipped any heat away from his body.

Tim the bandit
Tim bundled up

The anchorage is one that is known to be a great place to wait out a hurricane.  We knew we were not in a hurricane, but, gosh, it sure blew!

The next thing we knew, we were nodding off.  Much as we had hoped to reach Mobile the next day, we decided to stay put. We made our coffee and tea in the morning, bundled up in our quilts and waited out the cold and the wind.

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