Thursday, September 11, 2014

Going South to get out of the cold is not working

How come the folks at Land's End look so cool when they layer?
This morning, September 11th, we overslept.  Our goal was to be the first ones in the locks.  We jumped out of bed at 6:30.  While Tim made his coffee, Kathy donned long underwear, fleece pants, three shirts, a fleece top, and her foul weather jacket.  Added her Land's end gaiter and hat, and was still cold.  Forty seven degrees, cloudy and on the river is not any shade of warm.  We were out of the marina at 7:15.  Right after we hailed Lock #6 for passage, a northbound barge hailed the to say they were 30 minutes out.  Wow. If we had tarried just a little bit longer, we would have been stuck for another several hours.  Instead of being tossed lines next to the lock wall so we could hold on to the 7500 # boat, they asked us if it was okay to "float us" in the middle of the lock.  Winds were light, so we concurred.  Worked out, no coffee spilled.

Once through the lock, Kathy with her tea, and Tim with his coffee, we continued down river toward La Crosse, MN. Kathy made some hot instant oatmeal.  Then we got to LaCrescent and that started quite the adventure to have before 9:45 AM.  We went through Lock #7.  They hailed us through, neglected to tell us that we were going to "float" us.  The lock gates closed behind us, and we just made lazy circles  in a concrete pool that measured 600' x 110'.  Oh, and the wind came up in a big way.   By the way, no pictures of locks...we are too busy. Oatmeal is getting very very cold.

In a previous blog we reported that the key to going under bridges is to note the markings on the bridge abutments and make certain, absolutely certain, that the mast will clear by subtracting the height of the mast from the height of the river and DON'T LOOK UP.  We looked.  I didn't know we could hold our breath that long.  We cleared by 5 feet. 

Next up was the La Crosse Soo line RR Swing Bridge. The clearance there was 21.9 feet.  So we called ahead, and we got a novel response from the attendant.  He said "I'll get back to you in awhile".  Now that brings new meaning to being caught between a rock and a hard spot. What is "awhile"? We slowed down, and about 30 minutes later we get the go ahead, and the swing bridge swung.

La Crosse Soo Line RR Swing Bridge having swung

Before we started the LaCrescent/La Crosse adventure, Kathy had made hot oatmeal to warm us both up.  After the La Crosse adventure, Cold oatmeal was thrown away, new oatmeal made, and our bellies were full.

The hills and the abject beauty of  the river are amazing.  So many miles of no civilization, just trees, water, and birds.  So many eagles.  Pelicans. And then a town. 

Last lock today was #8.  Wind pushed us around until Tim finally pointed the boat back toward the entrance gate, we caught the lines and moved on.  Then we were in Iowa.

Finally reached Lansing, IA.  When we called to ask if the municipal marina had space for a 30' sailboat, and that we would be arriving mid afternoon, he said, yep.  But he wouldn't get to the marina until he had coached 4th grade football...long about 5:30 PM.  So we went to the local café where there was a card party of about 40 folks going on, had lunch, went to the grocery, and came back to wait.  We are docked now, had supper, and will get moving early in the morning so as, hopefully to beat the rain.  Thanks for reading. 

Lansing, IA

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