Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 20 to March 22 2015 Venice back to Sarasota

Friday, March 20 through Sunday March 22, 2015
Traffic only stopped our progress 3 times, as bridges were raised, and we headed to Sarasota. We came into Marina Jack’s, thinking that we would be docking toward the end of the transient dock, close to where we had docked earlier on our trip south. But that was not the case.  Instead, we were close to the action, two slips inside the dock gate, close to restaurant and marina office. And next to Determination.

Sea Fever and Determination
We weren’t sure if they thought we were their dingy, or what. Holey Moley, big damn boat!
We had a couple of goals in Sarasota.  One was to visit the coffee shop/bakery where Tim had had his most perfect cup of Cappuccino.  The other was to visit the jewelry store where Kathy had seen the most perfect sapphire ring.  Tim got his cup of Cappuccino.  The cost of the ring was too dear, and Kathy made the decision to rework some of her own pieces when she gets home.
We visited the Farmers Market in downtown Sarasota, did the requisite Publix run, did laundry, got haircuts, and had a lovely lunch at the Marina Jack’s restaurant. There was a band each night at the restaurant, and the lights of Determination gave us all the night lights needed.

As we had our cocktail each evening while sitting in Sea Fever’s cockpit, the dolphin fountain in the Bayfront Park provided additional ambiance. The last evening in Sarasota, so newly found friends joined us in Sea Fever’s cockpit, we talked, compared stories, listen to the music wafting from the bar, and watched the sun set behind the dolphin fountain.

Sunset behind the Dolphin Fountain
Bayfront Park, Sarasota

Marina Jack’s is in the top few of our list of marinas!
It was a great weekend, and we will head back to Bradenton on Monday morning.  Sarasota will be missed.

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