Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Uneventful, but still no pictures of dolphins 12-10-2014

Wednesday, December 10

Today was uneventful.  Squeaked under a few bridges, obviously without incident.
We finally tested the autopilot, and it seemed to work well.  It also allowed us to look around us.  By far, the coolest thing we saw were more dolphins.

The biggest surprise of the day was when we discovered that the anchorage we had picked out, in the wind shadow of a bridge, was filled with cranes and work barges to work on the bridge.  So we went a bit further, found an anchorage that was a bit less protected than we would have liked.  There was quite a bit of wind and waves, and a very strange bumping noise that we never did figure out what it was!  We tucked in, and got ready for an early start.

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