Monday, November 3, 2014

On to Kingfisher Bay Marina...half way down the Tenn-Tom 11-3

November 3, Monday

We awoke once again to fog on the river. The mass exodus left the anchorage about 7:45.  Our goal today was Kingfisher Bay Marina in Demopolis, 54 miles and 1 lock, the Howell Heflin, down the river.

For us, 54 miles makes for a very long day.  Adding a lock and a late start to the trip increased the uncertainty that we would get to Kingfisher Marina before sunset.   

The most beautiful part of the trip was the White Cliffs at Eppes, AL.  The rock is the same type of rock found in the white cliffs of Dover, England.  They stand in stark contrast to the tree-lined river up until then.

Fall color on the Cliffs of Eppes

Brisa at the Cliffs of Eppes
Brisa and Sea Fever pushed along the whole day and got a lucky break at the lock. We finally reached Kingfisher Marina in the Demopolis Yacht Basin at 5:15, a half hour after sunset. We skipped pumping out the holding tank and filling up with fuel. Even so, by the time we docked the boats, and walked to the office to register, it was dark. Very dark.
We had been on the river for 9 hours and 45 minutes. 

We made ourselves sandwiches, and crawled into bed.


  1. Beautiful - especially the seat cushions! :) Start of month three already?!?!? I don't know how it feels to you, but from our perspective, it seems like you just left...

  2. So where are you guys now? I'm beginning to wonder if someone's taken you to Cuba.
