Saturday, September 27, 2014

Possibly out of communication for 4-5 days

September 27, 2014

We are working on our blogs, but we just wanted you all to know that we may be out of communication for 4-5 days.  We are leaving Hoppie's Marine Service in Kimmswic, MO., this morning, and will be anchoring out until we reach Green Turtle Bay near Kentucky Lake, some 250 miles from here, some of it up the Ohio River.

The next blog may well be from the Great Turtle Bay Resort and Marina, from the Spa.

We may have phone service.  It is up to Verizon.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Will miss the regular updates. Looking forward to the report from the Great Turtle Bay Resort!

  2. A spa at a marina? Cool. Tim, you should get your toenails painted like Steve Y. did for the 900 Dock Party. :)
