January 12 through Feb 3
With a fond
farewell to Frank, Fonda, and Buster the dog, we headed back to Bradenton. The winds and the current were with us. Once we cleared the Sunshine Skyway Bridge we
became a true sailboat for the first time since we left Minnesota. It was fun to feel the wind in the sails, and
we are certain that Sea Fever enjoyed doing what she does best…sail.
We docked at
our same slip at Twin Dolphin Marina. And enjoyed being in a familiar place for a few weeks. Twin Dolphin is high on our hit parade of favorite marinas. Great service, a nice restaurant, and good well as being close to friends.
The marina building which houses the laundry, showers and bathrooms, and the main office.
The restaurant, Pier 22, has great food, and affords a view of the Manatee River, and all of its boat traffic. Every month, the marina hosts a breakfast there for any of the marina tenants who would like to attend. It is a good meet and greet opportunity for both old and new. And hey, the free mimosas or bloody marys help keep the conversation flowing!
The restaurant, Pier 22 at sunset. Photo taken from Sea Fever |
Our pace has
slowed down quite a bit, as the destinations are all “want to” as opposed to “need
to”. While there are still some long days traveling from
location to location, staying put a little longer seems to suit us just fine.
Twin Dolphin
Marina is one of those places where our stay was longer than
expected. It was nice to have friends
close by, and be in familiar territory. All in all, we will have stayed here
about 5 weeks. We know that we will miss our friends, the Finneys and their
extended family. We hope that they
didn’t think we were the company that never went away! As many friends as we
have made on this trip, the old friends are the best. Every time someone new
comes into our lives, they get the short version of our life, as we get their
short version as well. Old friends know
the long version, and it is fun to catch up when they folks from home, it isn’t
the same.
So enough of
waxing eloquent…and to the blog.
We decided
not to make the $900 rental car mistake we had made renting a car from Enterprise
for a week over Christmas, and vowed that taxis and walking would be our means
of travel. Kathy took the taxi to Publix,
just a few miles away. After her
shopping, she sat on the bench in the entry of Publix Grocery store, next to
the store sponsored hover-rounds, waiting for a taxi to return her and the
groceries to Sea Fever. She recalled shopping for groceries in St. Paul, and
wondering what kinds of folks took taxis to and from the grocery story. Now she knows!
We caught up
with our friends on Brisa, and met new folks, Mark and Becky, on Mara
Beel. Our stalwart friends, the Finneys
met us for dinner several times, and as always, it was great fun.
Toward the
end of our stay in Bradenton, Kathy went to Massachusetts to help transition her
sister from her care facility to her home.
As only Jackie Finney could do, she showed up at our marina with her
Minnesota Thinsulate Eddie Bauer coat and two carry on pieces of luggage so
that Kathy didn’t have to buy stuff to go to the northern tundra. After 15 years
of being a Floridian, Jackie still keeps the coat, and loans it to wayward
folks heading north. It was a welcome
loaner, to be sure.
Kathy flew into Bradley airport in Connecticut on Friday, January 12, was picked up by sister-in-law Audrey, and headed to their home in Amherst. The LL Bean coat and gloves were put into immediate use.
The trip was
successful, sister Karen was settled. While Massachusetts had a lot of snow on the ground, more snow was promised for Monday, so Kathy left Karen earlier than she had hoped, to make it back across the state to Audrey and Gregg's house. Karen, Gregg and Audrey all suggested that she make the drive during the Super Bowl game. And boy, were they right. There was nary a car on road! And she got "home" before the end of the game, when the Patriot fans would be spilling into the streets. Great advice!!!
Sure enough, the snow started falling around midnight. Both Gregg and Audrey had a snow day on Monday. More than a foot of snow fell. As the snowfall waned, and getting about was easier, Gregg and Audrey headed for the gym. Being good hosts, they invited Kathy along. With no regrets, Kathy declined, thinking that sitting quietly in a big house with just Jazz the dog to keep her company had some appeal. A very enjoyable couple of hours was had by all!
Tuesday, as she was waiting for the shuttle to take her to the airport, she snapped a couple of pictures of Gregg and Audrey's front walk.
Jazz enjoying the snow more than anyone else. |
26+ inches of snow blanketed the yards around Gregg and Audrey's house in Amherst, MA. |
The ride to the airport and the flights to Tampa were without problems. Tim picked up Kathy at the airport and they headed for Marina Jack's Marina in Sarasota, our new home for the week.